U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue has announced details of the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP), which will provide up to $16 billion in direct payments to deliver relief to America’s farmers and ranchers impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. In addition to this direct support to farmers and ranchers, USDA’s Farmers to Families Food Box program is partnering with regional and local distributors, whose workforces have been significantly impacted by the closure of many restaurants, hotels, and other food service entities, to purchase $3 billion in fresh produce, dairy, and meat and deliver boxes to Americans in need.

Donations made

Clinton Fire Chief Brett Russell, left, accepts the donation of stuffed animals to the department by Joseph Corbridge. Corbridge undertook the endeavor as part of his Eagle Scout Project. CDN

Redlands Community College recently announced those students named to the college’s honor rolls for the Spring 2020 semester, and four students from Clinton and one from Custer City were among them.

Making it all fit together

Bradley Rhodes, left, and Mark Stapleton work on the fittings for the water sprinkler system being installed for Clinton Public Schools. CDN

The Oklahoma Supreme Court has ruled in favor of the Yes on 805 campaign’s case to require the Secretary of State’s office to accept its collected signatures. The ballot initiative campaign has collected more than 260,000 signatures to put State Question 805, sentencing reform, on the ballot this fall.

Here's a look at Friday's headlines

- U.S. Census important for city, county

- Clinton Police recover vehicle, make alleged abuse arrest

- Clinton AP classes ‘ahead of the curve’

- CHS softball sets summer return plan

- Top returners for softball

CDN | Collin Wieder

Clinton Firefighter Tyler Calvert flushes a hydrant, prior to attaching a hose to it, during a relay pumping training exercise this week.

Because of the coronavirus pandemic, the final deadline for turning in the 2020 U.S. Census form has been extended from July 31 until Oct. 31, and city and county officials are asking anyone who hasn’t yet completed theirs to do it now.
