Working out from hom

Mary Akin fitness trainer Tamara Thomas teaches a virtual workout. The facility began utilizing virtual workouts March 23. They’ve continued to see their usual attendance numbers, even though the gym has been closed to the public for nearly two weeks. 

Small businesses in Clinton — and around the nation — have been hit hard by the fallout surrounding COVID-19, coronavirus, which means their employees are being affected too.

According to Clinton Police Chief Paul Rinkel, there is a small jump in theft calls, but it is not major cause for concern. Rinkel also made sure to remind all citizens to follow state protocols on the coronavirus as well.

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Kids, we want to hear from you.

The Clinton Daily News is inviting school-age children from elementary to high school seniors to write letters to the newspaper to tell everybody what is going on in their lives.

New sign goes up

The fence is down, and the new sign is up for TheEdge.Church. The renovated building is taking shape, as it nears its initial opening date. However, the opening weekend is to be determined right now with concerns over COVID-19.

In 1826, Samuel Morey received the patent for the first internal com bustion engine.

In 1945, Operation Iceberg began as U.S. troops landed on the Japanese island of Okinawa.

MONDAY 3-30-2020


Officers checked out a subject in the 1000 block of S. 10 th Street, officers arrested a 32-year-old on a new city charge of public intoxication by drugs.

Attorney General Mike Hunter and U.S. Attorney Tim Downing have announced a statefederal partnership that will combine resources and information to investigate and prosecute con artists attempting to defraud Oklahomans during the Coronavirus emergency.

I-40 will be detoured at SH-6, and SH-6 traffic intermittently stopped with flaggers, in Elk City on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights, weather permitting.

Working with different stakeholder groups, law enforcement associations, the corrections system and other state agencies, Gov.
