Parents honoring seniors

Caren Denney places her son Dalton’s jersey on the family’s front door. This is a growing trend around Clinton for senior parents. They’re honoring their graduating seniors, who won’t get to finish out their final athletic seasons due to COVID-19.

In an ongoing effort to serve students in the community, Clinton Public Schools will make adjustments next week to the times and locations where meals are made available, said CPS Assistant Superintendent Adam McPhail.

Churches find creative ways to hold services

Churches around the country are being challenged to find ways for members to stay connected while staying safe in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many congregations are meeting on the Internet for online services, but one local congregation has found a unique way it can — almost — be together. Cumberland Presbyterian Church pastor Bowman Vowell delivered a sermon on Sunday in the church’s parking lot, speaking directly to church members as they sat in their cars and listened to him on the radio.

Today is the 95th day of 2020 and the 17th day of spring.

Chaparral Real Estate, LLC to Lisa C. Seibold, Trustee and Lisa Seibold Living Trust, WD. NE ¼ NE ¼ SE ¼ 3-12N-14W, SE ¼ NE ¼ SE ¼ 3-12N-14W.
