THURSDAY OCTOBER 31 MEETING: Native Outreach Baptist Chapel to hold a Bible study and prayer at the Clinton Community Hall on Dog Patch Road. Meets every Thursday except for funerals

‘Food chain’ science

Sixth-grade student Aaron Lopez works on a science ecology project in Diane Keeton’s class at Washington Elementary.

Ever wonder what to do with the pickle juice left in the jar after the last dill has been eaten? All of that brine is a great thing to save

Halloween ‘rock concert’ held

Kermet and Nancy Sheppard, 212 Randolph, hang out in their front yard with Halloween band members, “The Grateful Dead.”

Custer County’s emergency management director, Mike Galloway, has been busy lately handing out checks to some of the 54 people whose names were drawn to receive subsidies to help them

Halloween trick-or-treating in residential areas will be from 6-8 p.m. this year in Clinton, but the biggest Halloween party of all will be the second annual Trunk-or-Treat on Frisco to

Tuesday’s meeting of the Clinton Planning and Zoning Board which paved the way for the city’s first medical marijuana dispensary was a virtual non-event. By a 4-0 vote, the board

Arapaho-Butler vocalists honored

Eight students from Arapaho-Butler Schools were selected to participate in the Western Oklahoma Choral Directors Association All-Region Honor Choir. In the front row, from left, are Lyla Murphy, Jodi Hamm,
