All Clinton students protected by school

Dear Clinton Community, I wanted to take a moment to address some of the concerns you, your students, and our staff members may have regarding recent developments in state and national discussions around the citizenship status of students and families. I know this can be a stressful and uncertain time for many people, but I want to reassure you of one thing I have stated before and will continue to reiterate: I will always stand in the gap and do whatever I am able to protect our students.

Single father sets boundaries with girlfriend

DEAR HARRIETTE: I am in a relationship with a man who is a single parent of two children. It seems as though his ex left their family not too long after their second child was born – perhaps postpartum. My partner and I have a great relationship, and I love his girls.


• Among Clinton Girl Scouts who were pounding the pavement selling cookies were Terri Perkey, Lauren Wilborn, Natalie Bryson, Alta Mc-Ginnis, Stephanie Collins and Carrie Gelnar.

Elizabeth Ko, M.D.

Dear Doctors: I saw on TV about a study that says walking helps if you are depressed. I would like to know how the research was conducted and how this conclusion was reached. I get to feeling low every few months and would be happy if taking up walking could break the cycle.
